
No Room for Error: Preparing for Inevitable Variability in the Cell and Gene Therapy Supply Chain

Orchestrating cell and gene therapy logistics is complex and susceptible to variability at each point of the supply chain. When shipments are life-critical, delays and oversights can be fatal. As operations scale from small populations in early-phase clinical trials to larger populations in late-stage trials and commercial launch, your supply chain complexity and risk increases.…


Leveraging the Experience of Cord Blood Banking in Development of Cellular Therapies

Along with gaining insights into how to tap into the expertise of cord blood banks and access therapy-matched cord blood units (CBUs), you’ll get a better understanding of: Comprehensive benefits of cords as an allogeneic cell source for cellular therapy Characteristics and attributes of the existing CBU inventory Importance of managing logistics for delivery of…


International Differences in Cellular Starting Material Quality and Regulatory Requirements

Navigating international differences in regulations for cellular starting material is complex. This is particularly true because the rapid advancement of the industry sometimes precedes regulatory guidance. When you’re procuring cellular starting material or distributing a cell or gene therapy product across international borders, you must consider the country or regional requirements at play and where…

BioTherapies White Paper

How to Overcome 3 Common Cell Therapy Supply Chain Disruptions

The successful on-time delivery of cell and gene therapies isn’t just good business—it’s a matter of survival for patients. When there’s no room for mistakes, you need an advanced approach to overcome barriers to on-time delivery. In our more than 30 years of experience managing the collection and delivery for time-sensitive cell therapies around the…


How Starting Material Quality Impacts the Manufacturing and Success of Next-Generation Therapies

This on-demand webinar helps answer the question, “What constitutes quality allogeneic cell therapy starting material and how you can ensure it?” The webinar explores specific risks and practical downstream repercussions of insufficient and variable starting material quality. Our expert panelists discuss how to help ensure both high-quality and consistent cellular starting material by building efficiencies…


How Patient Focus Drives Clinical Trial Results: The Intersection of Sponsor, CRO, Site and Patient.

Clinical trial sponsors and CROs have compelling reasons to design an effective clinical trial. You need to not only to answer your research question but also mitigate budget pressures and quickly bring a product to market that addresses patients’ chief complaints. In this webinar you’ll walk away with a better understanding of: Why the voice…

Case Study

How Cell Therapy Clinical Trials Can Save Time and Cost

A client initiated a Phase I clinical trial for its allogeneic cell therapy. Several months in, limited success recruiting patients had led to an expensive lack of progress. The client engaged with the CIBMTR® Bioinformatics Consulting team through NMDP BioTherapies℠ to identify U.S. states and counties with the highest density of patients and donors with…